Japanese Language Tests

Test your Japanese language skills

Check your progress in learning Japanese with one or more of our tests about kanji, grammar and vocabulary. Just select one or more of the test below.


Just follow this Twitter account and start receiving 10 tweets per day with randomly selected hiragana and katakana including links to the solution.


Kanji for the JLPT N5

Follow this Twitter account to practice the 103 kanji required to pass the JLPT N5. Each of these  103 kanji and its meaning is tweeted once per day in random order.


Kanji for the JLPT N4

This test currently is under development.


  1. tountong aroondesh says:

    jlpt n5

  2. lets have a test practice..

  3. Is there one paper of chokai for N5 exam?

  4. Caizelyn saguid says:

    How much to enroll herein japanese international school

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