Grammar of nouns for JLPT N5

All about grammar of nouns for the JLPT N5

This is a collection of grammar forms that are likely to be required to pass the JLPT N5 level. Place your cursor above the grammar description to get more detailed information where available.

NOUN + DESU (です)

Kanji 私は日本人です。
Furigana わたしはにほんじんです。
Romaji watashi wa nihonjin desu.
English I am Japanese.

NOUN + DEWA arimasen (ではありません)

Kanji 私は日本人ではありません。
Furigana わたしはにほんじんではありません。
Romaji watashi wa nihonjin dewa arimasen.
English I am not Japanese.


Kanji 昨日は日曜日でした。
Furigana きのうはにちようびでした。
Romaji kinou wa nichiyoubi deshita.
English Yesterday was sunday.

NOUN + DEwa arimasen deSHITA (ではありませんでした)

Kanji 昨日は休みの日ではありませんでした。
Furigana きのうはやすみのひではありませんでした。
Romaji kinou wa yasumi no hi dewa arimasen deshita.
English Yesterday was not a vacation day.

NOUN + DA (だ)

Kanji 私は学生だ。
Furigana わたしはがくせいだ。
Romaji watashi wa gakusei da.
English I am a student.

NOUN + Dewa nai (ではない)

Kanji 私は日本人ではないです。
Furigana わたしはにほんじんではないです。
Romaji watashi wa nihonjin dewa nai desu.
English I am not Japanese.

NOUN + datta (だった)

Kanji  昨日は休みの日だった。
Furigana  きのうはやすみのひだった。
Romaji  kinou wa yasumi no hi datta.
English  yesterday was a vacation day.

NOUN + dewa nakatta (ではなかった)

Kanji  昨日は休みの日ではなかった。
Furigana  きのうはやすみのひではなかった。
Romaji  kinou wa yasumi no hi dewa nakatta.
English  yesterday was not a vacation day.

NOUN + DE (で)

Kanji 私は学生で友達は先生です。
Furigana わたしはがくせいでともだちはせんせいです。
Romaji watashi wa gakusei de tomodachi wa sensei desu.
English I am a student and my friend is teacher.

NOUN + NO (の) + NOUN

Kanji これは先生の本です。
Furigana これはせんせいのほんです。
Romaji kore wa sensei no hon desu.
English This is the teacher’s book.

NOUN + NO (の)

Kanji この本は私のです。
Furigana このほんはわたしのです。
Romaji kono hon wa watashi no desu.
English The book there is mine.


  1. Nicolas said: “This is a collection of grammar forms that are required to pass the JLPT N5 level”

    I think you’re right, but it’s probably best to avoid “confidence” when discussing JLPT N-level requirements. Part of the difficulty of JLPT tests, since the N-levels started, is that no one knows exactly what is required to pass the JLPT N5 level.

    I just put the word “likely” before I say stuff like “required to pass”, which I think covers it 😉

    • Peter,
      You are right. It really is so inconvenient that the requirements are not published and that everyone has to guess them based on historical tests.

  2. lalalaaaa says:

    Thank You a lot!
    Well, when talking about JLPT, for me the main moto is it`s better to do more, than less!))
    Yep, sometimes it`s hard to predict, but there are a lot of common words!
    Good Luck to everyone in Your studies =)

  3. I have a question:

    When you say 昨日、今日、明日 there has not to be the は particle after it, if I am right? I remember that it was used just sometimes when comparing or other structures.

    Does anyone know more about it? Thank you!

    • MilkyChocoxD says:

      That’s write, you don’t need the は。For example, you can just say 今日、パンを食べる。(Today I ate bread).

  4. what’s the difference between “da” and “desu”? and between “datta” and “deshita”, “dewa nakatta” and “dewa arimasen deshita” too


  1. […] Grammar of nouns for JLPT N5. […]

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