Honorific prefix

One of the most common prefixes is 御. It has a few readings depending on which noun it is being combined with.

Reading GO

The reading ご (GO) applies when the prefix stands with a noun which is read using its Chinese reading (Onyomi).

Kanji Furigana Romaji Translation
御飯 ごはん gohan rice, meal

Reading O

The reading お (O) applies when the prefix stand in front of a noun which is read using its Japanese reading (Kunyomi).

Kanji Furigana Romaji Translation
お寿司 おすし osushi sushi
お湯 おゆ oyu hot water
お水 おみず omizu water
お金 おかね okane money
お箸 おはし ohashi chopsticks
お菓子 おかし okashi confectionary, sweet
お腹 おなか onaka belly

Reading MI

The reading み (MI) is rare and applies for words that are related to shinto or the emperor. It sometimes also is used to make words sound more poetic.


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  1. Whoa, thanks for all the prefixes in one place!

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