Particle まで (made)

This particle can be applied in three situations, where it can also be combined with the other particles から (kara) and に (ni).

1. Period:

In this case the particle まで (made) describes a period of time.

Kanji 会議は九時から十時までです。
Furigana かいぎはくじからじゅうじまです。
Romaji kaigi ha kuji kara juuji made desu.
English The meeting lasts from 9 to 10 o’clock.

2. Point in time:

In this case the particle まで (made) is used together with に (ni) to indicate the end of an exact point in time.

Kanji 会議は十時までに終わります。
Furigana かいぎはじゅうじまでにおわります。
Romaji kaigi ha juuji madeni owarimasu.
English The meeting ends at 10 o’clock.

3. Location:

In this case the particle まで (made) is used to express the time or period related to a location.

Kanji 東京から名古屋まではどのぐらい掛かりますか。
Furigana とうきょうからなごやまではどのぐらいかかりますか。
Romaji Tokyo kara Nagoya made wa dono gurai kakarimasuka?
English How long does it take from Tokyo to Nagoya?


  1. lawnmower16 says:

    I see this all the time used to mean, “too,” or, “even,” in phrases where somebody is disappointed or surprised that something/somebody is conforming to something, like “What, you too?!”

  2. “kaigi ha kuji kara juuji made desu.” The “ha” should be “wa”.

  3. は is read as わ in that context

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